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Friday, September 17, 2010

Alive ang Kicking!!!

I'm baaaaacckkk!!! I was just so busy these past few weeks that's why I haven't got any chances of posting new stuff around here. Well, after hearing that five of my colleagues at work will be transferred to another team then absolutely, what's next?.. it's absorbing their tasks by the remaining peepz and SADLY!! I am part of the retained martyrs.. LOL.

What's new?...I think it's not new anymore.. it's stress.. stress and stressssssssss.......Being able to meet the deadline, the target, the SLA or whatever term you would call it is giving me so much pressure. I don't know, I guess I am still learning to cope up with this not so good aspect of being a career woman. However, I am also fond of solving things that's why i find it so difficult to balance everything, but i am praying.. I wish i will be able to manage smoothly the responsibilities that have been given to me.. and will be given to me in the future.

I will just find a way to relax and ease the thoughts that will cross my mind during weekends. I just wanted to rest and give myself a break during this hibernation period. I will probably have to find time in writing songs again and of course decorating this site with my stories and points of views.

That's it!!

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